Monday, November 26, 2007
Aiden's Thanksgiving Play
Enjoy the stage performance. Aiden is in the role of Squirrel #2.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Booty? Nope. Boota.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Leaves, Football, Friends & Gold Medals
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Back at School
Monday, June 25, 2007
What happened in May...
Mother's Day...
I had one of the best Mother's Days so far. Ashlye and Dustin invited us all over to their home for a dip in the pool. Dustin grilled some steaks, Todd played with Aiden, Tia Ashlye and I drank my most favorite drink (the kick-A margaritas only Ash and D make... with at least 4 olives!), and little Maggie (dog) lounged around with us girls. Mommies had a GREAT day.
So, it rained a little bit. So what! I was way too "happy" and relaxed to mind. Thanks Ash and Dustin! Thanks Todd for driving! Thanks Aiden for making me laugh by acting "strong" and peeing in the grass. (HA!)
Is this the cutest butt, or what?!
I'm proud to say that Aiden was able to sing along to "Deep in the Heart of Texas" during the 7th inning stretch, and his new favorite song is "We Will Rock You" by Queen.
Love you Kieffers and Jan!
School ended, and I miss my kids so much. I pray and think about them a lot. This is a picture of my 4th period class. They made me laugh so much. We became close since they HAD to see me everyday for an hour and a half! (I taught them, and then we had advisory together for another 1/2 hour.)
I learned great things from them, and (most importantly), they kept me focused on WHY I teach. Every day they touched my heart with their humanity, with daily reminders of how tough it is to be a teenager. I sure hope I did my duty and did right by them.
I'll miss all of my students!
Stay tuned for what's happened in the month of June!
Josh's wedding in Arizona
Todd and I party like rock stars in Vegas.. and have some surprising run ins!
Paupi (bless his heart) stays with Aiden for a whole week... ALONE!
Mami and Papi move to Houston!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Cinco de Mayo
Monday, April 23, 2007
Papi's Been Approved for Medicaid!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007
He's Three!!!
Friday, March 23, 2007
The 50 States
He starts with the states beginning with the letter "A".. . and goes all the way to the letter... "H". Okay, so he's got a ways to go, but WE are VERY impressed. (As were his teachers!) Just give him one more day, and I bet he'll get all 50 memorized! Place your bets.
Things we're working on: wiping after "pushing" in the potty. Yeah. Todd's almost has it down. Aiden is a great and patient teacher. (just kidding)
So, who's coming over to hear the song?