Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thunder Storms

It rained last night. BIG storm. Lasted two hours. The thing is, the storm started simultaneously with Aiden's bedtime.

Aiden and I have talked about lightning "not being scary," and how to tell the thunder to "not be so loud because we can't hear the rain." These tactics didn't work well enough. It's not easy being logical when you're scared.

Aiden cried. Asked for Daddy. Daddy said, "Let's go to Mommy and Daddy's bed tonight."

We usually don't do this. Aiden knows that he's to sleep in his own bed like a big boy. We're lucky in this. But last night was an exception. It was a BIG storm, for goodness' sakes!

The thing about Aiden, he's just like his Daddy: starts sweating with the move of a toe. Since Daddy is too warm, Aiden snuggles close to me. [awwww] So for 9 hours, I get kicked in the head, stomach, ribs; punched in the eye, nose, chest; but I also get my hand held by the sweetest little boy. [awwwww]

Thunder storms: I need to thank God for such a memorable night.

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